Dry cleaners directory

Dhobi Dry Cleaners Mill House Mill St, Maidstone, Me15 6 Xh (Rochester)

BlankMill House Mill St, Maidstone, ME15 6XH
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02ffd416-1798-41b4-9a31-71bbb6967377 image png
BlankMill House Mill St, Maidstone, ME15 6XH
01622 661123
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Friday: 08:30 - 17:30

Monday: 08:30 - 17:30

Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:30

Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00 (Currently open)

Thursday: 08:30 - 17:30

Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:30

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About Dhobi Dry Cleaners

A leading exponent in the area of Clothes Care, specialising in those designer clothes which demand a high standard of expertise. Style owes as much to how your clothes are cared for, as to how they are chosen and worn. All too often style is lost because the garments are not cleaned, or because they are entrusted to a company which does not, for many reasons, undertake the work with the expertise demanded. Your Clothes Newest, Bestest Friend!

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